Sun, 16 March 25
Manali is known as one of the best tourist destination in India and Johnson Lodge & Spa is one of the most reputed hotel in the city, or so we thought.   Anurag Chauhan, a celebrated Delhi-based social worker, decided to visit Manali for a holiday and stayed at the Johnson Lodge & Spa with a friend. On the second day of the stay,  after spending their evening at a nearby cafe,  the friends returned to the hotel and sat by the lawn area.  T,hey placed their drink orders,:  Anurag who was on a course of  antibiotics refrained from any alcoholic drinks.  The staff said it was the last order and served them their  drinks, which included bottled water  and snacks .   Nearby, there was a bonfire party.  After the party left,  Anurags group  adjourned to the bon- fire area . The staff helped  to shift their drinks from their table to the bon fire place. . After a while sitting near the fire, listening to old hindi songs, Anurag, who was feeling thirsty by this time,  asked his friend to pass him the aquafina bottled water which he drank with no reservations.   To his and everyone's horror,   it turned out to be diesel in the bottle.  The hotel staff had used  the same Aquafina bottle and filled it up with diesel  and place it near  the bonfire  where their drinks was  also placed.    This is a gross act of acute negligence on the hotels part.   

It has to be said that diesel is a transparent liquid, that looks no different to water.  Hence, there was no reason anyone in that group would have thought otherwise. 

Even  as Anurag was in a critical condition, none of the hotel staff was capable of getting him any medical help.  Infact , they incorrectly advised that there were no hospitals available at that time of the night.   Anurag and his very worried  friends  were left to their own device  to locate a hospital.  . Finally Anurag was treated in the emergency ward of the Lady Wellington hospital. A sample of his blood was taken, his stomach was flushed, he was given several  medication and was admitted for the night for further observation.

Upon  reaching New Delhi 2 days later,  Anurag had to undergo further tests at the Apollo hospital,  to ensure that  none of his organs have been  damaged in this process.  To bring awareness to this diesel problem, Anurag decided to post his diesel ordeal on his Facebook.  So many people were aghast by what has happened  and  some shared their own experiences where  they  lost  family members to diesel poisoning.  

Now a few pertinent questions  arise. Firstly,  How is it that diesel is  transparent?   Anurag wrote to the wife of the Union Petroleum Minister,  asking for help in this regards. Secondly and most importantly how could the hotel be so negligent as  to store  diesel in a water bottle, unmarked, in same water bottle as they serve ! 
The hotel clarified that the bon fire was a privately paid affair and was organised for a family and they were well informed about the bottle. The question arises if the hotel staff could inform that family why didnt they inform this group of youngsters when they shifted to the bon fire area? They were served at that place, the hotel staff saw them sitting and changing places, a waiter took their drinks to them. Its not a mistake as this kind of carelessness could have taken someones life. Anurag says,” I could have spat the diesel directly in the fire, which was right infornt of me as an immediate reaction to the taste of the liquid, i could have burnt my face” 
Are we as citizens safe even when we are going to the best of  properties to stay and enjoy ourselves? This is  a big question that arises in our mind. “We pay them for their services, the incident did not happen by the  roadside, it happened at a proper hotel known for its services, this terrible  incident does not only put a question mark on this property but on the general hospitality business as a whole.   This is not just about me, it could have happened to anyone.  Make no mistake, it could have resulted in a far worse situation”, continued Chauhan.
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